Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Undocumented Rules of Marriage (Tamil nadu)

This post is not to hurt anyone. I got interested to document the rules of tamil marriage which happened during the search of my best half. There we so many rules to be followed from the starting, but when I searched to get all the rules to be followed I came up with empty hand from Google. I don't want our tradition to go with-out docmentation and I loved to document it from the beginning when I was shown my best half.

1. Photos sharing with bride house

2. First visit to bride house (Ponnu parkum)

3. Lunch @ groom house

4. Lunch @ bride house

5. Saree purchase for bride

6. Engagement

7. Marriage

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Limits for Sharepoint Scaling

These limits are as follows:

1. Number of SharePoint users fewer than 2,000—The number of specifically defined
users in a SharePoint site should not exceed 2,000, or the risk of performance degradation
arises. If more users are needed, Active Directory group membership can be
used to scale the number of users to the tens of thousands.

2. Site collections of fewer than 50,000—Each site collection should hold no more than 50,000 users for optimal performance.

3. Subsites to a website fewer than 2,000—More than 2,000 subsites of any one site
slows server performance.

4. Documents in a single folder of a document library fewer than 10,000
Performance degrades if more than 10,000 documents are stored in a single folder.
Using multiple folders, however, increases this limit to almost two million documents.

5. Items in a view fewer than 2,000—Any more than this slows access.

6. Fewer than 100 web parts per page—Loading more than 100 web parts slows
down the users’ ability to view a page.

7. Individual document size less than 50MB—The bigger a document grows, the
greater strain that document has on an environment. The default “hard limit” in
SharePoint is 50MB; any larger documents would seriously slow down the server.
The maximum document size is 2GB.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Choosing SQL Server version for MOSS 2007

It is not readily apparent, however, what version of SQL Server is the best version to
house the SharePoint databases on. Multiple editions of the SQL Server product support
SharePoint 2007, including the following:

. SQL Server 2005 x64 Enterprise Edition
. SQL Server 2005 x64 Standard Edition
. SQL Server 2005 x32 Enterprise Edition
. SQL Server 2005 x32 Standard Edition
. SQL Server 2000 SP3a (or higher) Enterprise Edition
. SQL Server 2000 SP3a (or higher) Standard Edition
. SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Choosing between these options is not an easy task, but a few key factors should drive
the decision process. These factors are as follows:

1. Is there an existing SQL Server instance that can be used? If so, it might make sense
to reuse the existing investment, assuming that it has the necessary capacity.
2. Does the hardware support 64-bit computing? If so, it is ideal to use 64-bit SQL
2005 software.
3. Are advanced redundancy and high availability options needed? If so, the Enterprise
Edition of SQL is necessary.
4. Is there any reason why the environment cannot use SQL Server 2005 over SQL
2000? If not, it is best to use the new version to take advantage of the new components
and scalability.